3 Ways to Save your Credit Score as Home Loan Defaulter

A home loan is a long tenure loan, which means you need to pay your loan EMIs for quite a longer duration. And, if you are going through a severe cash crunch and are not able to pay your installments on time. In such a case, your lender might levy a high penalty on you, which makes it more difficult for you to pay back the loan. To avoid such a situation, you need to take the following steps which might save you from becoming a home loan defaulter and thus keeping your credit score from falling too.

1) You can renegotiate with your lender if you are unable to pay your loan EMIs due to the cash crunch. It might allow you some time so that you make your loan payments later on when you have the cash available with you.

2) You can also opt for a balance transfer facility, which will help you to lower your interest rate on the existing loan along with the enhanced loan tenure.

3) Apply for the loan only after analyzing your budget, as it will be easy for you to pay back the loan well on time.

READ:- Save your credit score as a home loan defaulter?


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